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The Scary time cometh!

I have never been a fan of scary things, and haunted houses. My idea of scary is going to the Haunted Mansion ride at Disneyland where all the ghosts are friendly. Nevertheless, my grandkids sneek up on me and send their grandma through the ceiling, and then burst out laughing. Even when I watch for them they get me. I hope you are all excited to get ready for Halloween. I love seeing the kids in their many different costumes. And we have Fall Break to look forward to this month as well. Plan sometime fun for your family to do over Fall Break, which is from Oct 16th to Oct 21st. There are certainly lots of fun activities to participate in. If you haven't done Boo at the Zoo, it is a fun venue. Thanksgiving Point has all kinds of activities, and there is Wee Witches Weekends at Gardner Village where you can hunt for the many automated witches. Or if you are super adventurous, make or buy yourself a witches costume and participate with your family and friends in Witches Night out.

We will be closed the week of Oct 16 - Oct 21 and back to classes on Oct 24th.

Other highlights and information:

  • If you completed the September Challenge please bring in your paper to Miss Retta or whoever is at the front desk and you will receive a surprise.

  • VERY, VERY important, so please pass this along to other students who may be inactive right now....the RECITAL DEADLINE IS OCT 31, 2023. Be aware that if you drop class and then come back after that Oct 31, 2023 deadline you will not be able to do the recital. This is a change from years past when the deadline was in February.

  • December Showcase is December 22, 2023, and the time is TBD. However, the cost is $25 which will cover the cost of the facility and a Leaps and Bounds Tee Shirt for each child which they will dance in and then get to keep the tee shirt. The charge for the December Showcase will be on your November statement, and more information coming. The deadline for participating has passed, so unless you are currently taking class you won't be able to participate.

  • We love seeing the children's Halloween costumes and so do their teachers and friends. So we highly recommend letting them wear their costume the week of Halloween, which is Oct 24 - Oct 30. The studio will be closed on October 31, 2023 so all those little ghost, goblins and witches can get their candy fix :)

  • Pass off week is Oct 9 to Oct 14, which is next week. We would normally hold this week later but there are a lot of out of the studio days, so it is next week.

Happy Birthday to our teacher, Liesel Wynn. These are some things about our awesome Miss Liesel:

Favorite food - Anything Japaneses and Chick-Fil-A

Favorite Place to shop - Old Navy, Target and Amazon

Favorite Flower - Ones that smell good!

Favorite Hobbies - Piano, Swimming, Camping

Favorite Color - Orange and Blue

Favorite Dessert - Brownies

So now you know some fun stuff about Miss Liesel...Be sure and wish her a happy birthday if you see her!

We want to thank you as always for sharing your awesome children with us!



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