Summer is just flying by and we all had a very fun, very patriotic July, with parades, fireworks and our own favorite parade, Steel Days. We had 23 dancers join us for the Steel Days parade and in spite of the heat we had a very good time. Our littlest dancers rode on our flatbed trailer and blew bubbles out over the parade goers while Miss Katie and her daughter Lily threw lots and lots of candy. The parade ended at Miss Katie's house where everyone went in to enjoy the air conditioning after a long, hot parade.

Coming up at the studio:
September Showcase - be sure and check out the email with all the information for this fun event that will be held at the Valentine Theater. The email will contain makeup, hair and times etc.
Sign up - School is starting very soon so if you know anyone who is interested we are an open enrollment studio, so you can sign up and start. Our next welcome week is the first week in August so hurry, hurry, hurry
Check out a Yeti - Don't forget to look for our Yeti's, they are around the studio watching you to let you know that your child may not be able to do something "yet" but your child will get there with time and practice
New Studio - we are excited to add a new studio to our dance school. Now we have a large studio, a medium studio and a small studio which means we can offer a wider variety of classes and times.
Happy Birthday Cailia Wheeler
Miss Cailia is our newest teacher and she is a wonderful addition to our studio. Her birthday is July 26, and some of her favorite things are:
Favorite Drink - Dr Pepper
Favorite Snack - All kinds of chips
Favorite Color - Pink
Favorite Restaurant - Chick Fil A
Favorite Hobbies - Dance and doing nails
Favorite Flower - Plumeria
Favorite Food - Chicken
We feel so happy to have her as a new teacher, so if you see her wish her a very Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday Kylie Collier
Miss Kylie is a recent teacher addition, and we are so happy to have her. She has subbed for us when we were desperate for a teacher. Miss Kylie's birthday is August 4, and here are some of her favorite things:
Favorite Drink - Dr. Pepper, and any SWIG drink
Favorite Snack - Cheese Its
Favorite Color - Purple
Favorite Restaurant - Chick Fil A
Favorite Hobbies - Dance, Chalk Art, Violin
Favorite Flower - Lotus
Favorite Food - ice cream
So be sure and tell her Happy Birthday when you see her at the studio, or anywhere else
I am so grateful that we have the freedom to do whatever we want in this country, it is a real blessing, so be sure and fly your flags to honor our soldiers who gave their life so that we have these freedoms.