I love fall, all of the colors and the crisp smell of burning fires and hot cider. Most of all I love that Thanksgiving time gives us the chance to have an "attitude of gratitude". So often we get caught up in our busy lives and forget to notice all the blessings we have, and the people we love. I hope you take this time of the year to help out strangers, because by helping strangers we make them friends, and it feels really good to help others. There are many ways to serve and care about others at this time of year. Below are some the studio is doing that you can become involved in, as well as other important dates.
We have a gratitude wall set up at the studio. Grab a note on the front desk and write what you are thankful for and post it on the wall so we can all share with each other what we are thankful for.
In conjunction with the wall of gratitude we will be meeting at 9:00 am to 11:00 am on Saturday, Nov 18, 2023 to write letters to patients at local hospitals who are going through illness or other medical challenges. We will deliver these notes to the hospitals, and after we write them we will be having a fun cotton candy activity. Please come join us.
Another opportunity for service is just around the corner. Dec 4 -Dec 9 is our "Dance with Your Dancer" week. This is the time when you can come join your dancer and take class with them. The cost is food for Tabitha's Way, a local food bank that we partner with. Bring canned and packaged foods, toilet paper, and paper towels. There are, sadly, a lot of food insecure people in our community so we need to do our part.
Dec 22, 2023 is our December Showcase, and we will be doing the showcase at the Valentine Theater, which is the same place we hold our recitals. Papers came home with the schedule of when your students time is to participate. If you didn't see this ask at the front desk. We are excited to have our dancers show off what they are learning!

Our teacher Meghan Stewart is having a birthday this month! Miss Meghan likes Cheesecake Factory, Chick-Fil-A, and steak and potatoes. Her favorite flower is a daisy and her favorite color is blue. Sweet tooth choices are butterfingers and brownies. Please wish Miss Meghan a happy birthday when you see her.

Last, but certainly NOT least, we are again offering our "Give Dance for Christmas" gift bag. It is $65.00 and contains a pair of dance tights, a pair of dance shoes and a certificate for a month of dance. We put these together and deliver them to your home a few days before Christmas. You can fill out the form online at our website. This is for previous students that are not currently taking or new students who have never taken with us before. andb